Transportation Access

Transportation Access

  • * Click to display details.
  • *
  • The indicated time does not include time for transfers.
  • This symbol indicates the most convenient routes that have the fewest
    transfers or the most frequent departures.
    Click for information on where to board the train / bus and how to buy tickets.
From around Sapporo Station to Mitsui Outlet Park Sapporo Kita-Hiroshima
From around Sapporo Station to Mitsui Outlet Park Sapporo Kita-Hiroshima
Going by Direct Bus from Sapporo Station Area
Going by Direct Bus from Sapporo Station Area
  • Directions to boarding location
1.Start at JR Sapporo Station South Exit! *For those coming by subway, go to (9). *For those coming from within JR Sapporo Station, go out the east ticket gate and head towards the south exit. (Go forward with the overhead sign to the right of the premises as a marker.)

1.Start at JR Sapporo Station South Exit!
*For those coming by subway, go to (9).
*For those coming from within JR Sapporo Station, go out the east gate and head towards the south exit.


2.Head towards the “ESTA” and “TOKYU” signs

2.Head towards the “ESTA” and “TOKYU” signs

3.Head towards the “Kani Honke” sign

3.Head towards the “Kani Honke” sign

4.Cross the crosswalk (towards “Kani Honke”)

4.Cross the crosswalk (towards “Kani Honke”)

5.Continue straight

5.Continue straight

6.When the “Kani Honke” sign is visible to your left, turn left

6.When the “Kani Honke” sign is visible to your left, turn left

7.Continue straight

7.Continue straight

8.Go to the #1 Bus Stop

8.Go to the #1 Bus Stop

9.Sapporo Subway Station is next to exit 14

9.Sapporo Subway Station is next to exit 14

“Kita 1-jo”

“Kita 1-jo”
*1 TV Tower is marked
*2 Near Odori Subway Station Exit #31

“Minami 1-jo”(In front of Daikoku Drug)Odori Subway Station Exit #37

“Minami 1-jo”
(In front of Daikoku Drug)
Near Odori Subway Station Exit #37

“Minami 4-jo”(National Route 36)Opposite Daiwa Roynet Hotel

“Minami 4-jo”
(National Route 36)
Opposite Daiwa Roynet Hotel

  • Information
Bus Route
  • Chuo Bus (100) Bound for Mitsui Outlet Park
Fare (one way)
  • Adult \310 Child \160
How to buy
bus tickets
  • ■If using cash
    Put your fare into the fare box adjacent to the driver's seat when exiting
  • ■If using an IC Card
    When boarding: Touch your card on the scanner near the entrance.
    When exiting: Touch your card on the scanner on the fare box
  • Chuo Bus Omagari Office

    011-376-2424 (+81-11-376-2424)
  • Timetable
  • This is the regular timetable. (Please inquire about extra services during sale periods.)

  • From New Chitose Airport to Mitsui Outlet Park Sapporo Kita-Hiroshima
    From New Chitose Airport to Mitsui Outlet Park Sapporo Kita-Hiroshima
    Going by Direct Bus from Shin Chitose Airport
    • New Chitose Airport→Mitsui Outlet Park Sapporo Kitahiroshima
    International Terminal
    • Directions to boarding location
    1.After exiting the arrivals gate, go right

    1.After exiting the arrival gate, go right

    2.Continue straight. Look for the group and bus route signs

    2.Continue straight. Look for the group and bus route signs

    3.Pass between the group and bus route sign, and turn right at the dead-end

    3.Pass between the group and bus route sign, and turn right at the dead-end

    4.Continue straight a short while towards the escalator

    4.Continue straight a short while towards the escalator

    5.Use the escalator to go to 1F

    5.Use the escalator to go to 1F

    6.Do a U-turn and continue straight

    6.Do a U-turn and continue straight

    7.Continue straight

    7.Continue straight

    8.Head towards the information office and keep going straight

    8.Head towards the information office and keep going straight

    9.Information Office

    9.Information Office

    10.Go to the bus ticket machine that is to the side of the information office

    10.Go to the bus ticket machine that is to the side of the information office

    11.Purchase a ticket (930 yen) bound for “Mitsui Outlet Park”

    11.Purchase a ticket (930 yen) bound for “Mitsui Outlet Park”

    12.After purchasing the ticket, go to Bus Stop #65 from the exit

    12.After purchasing the ticket, go to Bus Stop #84 from the exit

    13.Ride  the bus bound for “APA Hotel and Resort <Sapporo> via Makomanai Subway  Station”

    13.Ride the bus bound for “APA Hotel and Resort via Makomanai Subway Station”

    Get off at “Mitsui Outlet Park.” Press the button above your head to indicate when you want to get off.

    Get off at “Mitsui Outlet Park.” Press the button above your head to indicate when you want to get off.

    Domestic Terminal
    • New-Chitose Airport ANA Side (ANA / Air Do / Peach Aviation / Vanilla Air / Spring Japan / Jetstar Japan)
    1.Leave the arrivals gate and head towards the “Blue Sign Ticket Counter.”

    1.Leave the arrivals gate and head towards the “Blue Sign Ticket Counter.”

    2.At the counter or ticket machines, purchase a ticket (930 yen) bound for “Mitsui Outlet Park”

    2.At the counter or ticket machines, purchase a ticket (1,200 yen) bound for “Mitsui Outlet Park”

    Ticket Machine (English)

    Ticket Machine (English)

    Ticket Machine (Chinese)

    Ticket Machine (Chinese)

    3.After purchasing the ticket, exit the terminal and head to Bus Stop #21

    3.After purchasing the ticket, exit the terminal and head to Bus Stop #21

    4.Ride the bus bound for “APA Hotel & Resort Sapporo via Makomanai Subway Station”

    4.Ride the bus bound for “APA Hotel & Resort Sapporo via Makomanai Subway Station”

    Get off at “Mitsui Outlet Park” Press the button above your head to indicate when you want to get off.

    Get off at “Mitsui Outlet Park” Press the button above your head to indicate when you want to get off.

    • New-Chitose Airport JAL Side (JAL / Skymark / Fuji Dream Airlines)
    1.Exit the arrival gate and head towards the “Red Sign Ticket Counter”

    1.Exit the arrivals gate and head towards the “Red Sign Ticket Counter”

    2.At the counter or ticket machines, purchase a ticket (930 yen) bound for “Mitsui Outlet Park”

    2.At the counter or ticket machines, purchase a ticket (1,200 yen) bound for “Mitsui Outlet Park”

    Ticket Machine 1

    Ticket Machine 1

    Ticket Machine 2 Purchases can be made with the button outlined in red.

    Ticket Machine 2
    Purchases can be made with the button outlined in red.

    3.After purchasing a ticket, exit the terminal and head to Bus Stop #12

    3.After purchasing a ticket, exit the terminal and head to Bus Stop #12

    4.Ride the bus bound for “APA Hotel and Resort Sapporo via Makomanai Subway Station”

    4.Ride the bus bound for “APA Hotel and Resort Sapporo via Makomanai Subway Station”

    Get off at “Mitsui Outlet Park.” Press the button above your head to indicate when you want to get off.

    Get off at “Mitsui Outlet Park.” Press the button above your head to indicate when you want to get off.

    • Information
    Boarding location
    • ■Domestic In front of ANA Arrivals Exit Bus Stop #21
      ■Domestic In front of JAL Arrivals Exit Bus Stop #12
      ■International Terminal Bus Stop #84
    Fare (one way)
    • Adult: ¥1,200, Child: ¥600
    How to buy bus tickets
    • Purchasing at the counter
      (Available only ticket vending machines in the international terminal )
    • Hokuto Kotsu Bus Counter:
      0123-45-6000 (+81-123-45-6000)
      Chuo Bus Counter:
      0123-46-5666 (+81-123-46-5666)
      Airport General Guidance:
      0123-23-0111 (+81-123-23-0111)

    • Timetable

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